Stickman Adventure: Prison Jail Break Mission

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We all know that Stickman tends to get in trouble once in a while. He has already been in so many fixes that it’s hard to recollect them all. And now, as a logical outcome of his shady adventures, he ended up in prison. He is now behind bars and, as you can imagine, bored out of his mind. He needs to get out of here asap! And you are going to help him.

The prison is well protected. There are guards walking up and down the corridors, checking the cells time and again. There are security cameras following your every move. Alarm systems that will start roaring if they spot you. And barbed wires on prison walls intended to keep the refugees inside. So you have to be extra careful if you want your plant to work.

Guide Stickman through all the dangers and challenges that is definitely going to encounter on his path. You have to stay on your guard and calculate your moves precisely not to run into any of the prison workers or fall into one of the traps. It’s better to make your way out of jail quietly and without being noticed, but most likely, that won’t be the case. So also prepare to fight, possibly even with a weapon in your hands if you’re lucky to get hold of it!

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